49 Flames:
Jewish Athletes and the Holocaust
During the Holocaust, men and women, young and old, rich and poor, famous and unknown, were killed. Athletes were not spared, and prominent sportsmen and women from all over Europe were murdered at the hands of the Nazis. This exhibition aims to tell the story of the Holocaust through the many stories of Jewish sportsmen and women who died during the war.
Sports have an enormous power to unite people and by sharing the stories of these athletes, we hope to inspire future generations to always fight against antisemitism, discrimination and racism, wherever they find it.

The 10th President of Israel
This project, honouring Jewish sportsmen and women whose lives were taken from them during the Holocaust while focusing on raising awareness about the evils of antisemitism in general and in sport in particular, highlights issues very close to my heart.

SIR BEN HELFGOTT MBE, Athlete and Holocaust Survivor
As I was marching in the stadium during the opening ceremony, I kept thinking that not only was this a personal triumph for me, but I felt that I was representing all the potential Jewish sportsmen and women who could have been there had they not been killed by the Nazis.